Saturday, February 23, 2013

Actual Value Initiative (AVI) Town Hall

Are you concerned or confused about how the City's AVI* (Actual Value Initiative) is going to affect your property taxes?  We will be hosting a Town Hall to help educate neighbors on the AVI

When: Tuesday, March 12th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Where: Guerin Recreation Center, 16th  & Jackson St
Who: A Panel of Representatives from the Office of Property Assessment

Have a question for Panel?
Subject: AVI
Before March 10th 

Here are some helpful resources: 

*The Actual Value Initiative (AVI)

AVI is a program for the assessment of all real property—land and buildings—in Philadelphia, effective Tax Year 2014, at their current market value. Market value reflects the approximate amount a property would sell for in today’s real estate market. The purpose of AVI is to make sure that all values are assessed fairly and in compliance with state laws, statutes, and industry standards. It will ensure that properties of equal value get the same assessments.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Calling all Seniors! Sweetheart Dance

You're invited to the Healthy Living, Active Lifestyle Sweetheart Dance on Thursday, Feb. 14th, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Yesha Fellowship Hall, 2301 Snyder Ave. The dance is co-sponsored by State Rep. Jordan Harris, State. Sen. Anthony Williams and Kenyatta Johnson. The dance will feature live entertainment and refreshments. There will be information on heart health, nutrition and more. Contact the Office of State Rep. Harris at 215-952-3378 for information on reservations and transportation.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Volunteers needed for our first cleanup of 2013!!
Sunday, February 10 from 10:00am-1:00pm

Help keep our neighborhood clean and free from litter as we take on
the alleyway of 2400 block of Fitzgerald St! Brooms and trash bags
provided along with free coffee and donuts!

Meeting Point:
Corner of 25th & Fitzgerald Sts.
Philadelphia, PA 19145

Contact us 
Hope you can make it and we hope to see you there!