Monday, October 14, 2013

Our First Election

Our first election will be held at our November meeting, Tuesday November 12th, 6:30 pm at the 1st District Station, 24th & Wolf.  The positions up for election are:

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Co-Chairs of the following committees (note that ideally, each committee will have 2 co-chairs at all times)

  • Green Committee (2 available Co-Chairs)

  • Clean Committee (2 available Co-Chairs)

  • Education Committee (1 available Co-Chair)

  • Town Watch ( 2 available Co-Chairs)

Please let us know, by emailing us at westpassyunkneighbors at if you are interested in running for any of the above positions.  You must reside, own property or own a business within our boundaries (18th to 25th, Passyunk to Mifflin) in order to be eligible for the above positions.

Please note that we will also be voting on our by-laws, which will be posted shortly.

Additionally, we will be adding 1 - 15 at - large board member positions and will be holding that election during our January meeting.  Please let us know if you are interested.