Monday, August 25, 2014

July 17th Zoning Meeting Update & Minutes 2 of 2

The community vote was 6 in favor of granting the variance, 8 opposed and 3 neutral.

The zoning committee voted unanimously to approve the variance. The letter that the committee sent explaining our decision is posted below.

July 22, 2014


To: Julia Chapman, Chair Zoning Board of Adjustment

      Kristine A. Phillips, Esquire WILLIG, WILLIAMS & DAVIDSON

      Anthony Lambrusciano

      Steve Cobb, Director of Legislation, Office of Kenyatta Johnson



Re: Appeal # 23054

       Permit # 507057

       Hearing Date Tuesday August 12, 2014 9:30am

       Property in consideration 2444 Durfor St


Dear Julia Chapman,

On July 17, 2014 the applicant (Anthony Lambrusciano) and his representative in the above referenced case met with our organization. Based on the outcome of that meeting and after careful deliberation, our organization is supporting the applicant’s request for a variance.

We base our support for the variance on the following reasons:

·         The business has been operating at this location for several years and was allowed under the previous zoning code.

·         There are no physical changes being sought to the current structures on the property that would be disruptive to the neighborhood

·         There are several similar businesses located along the 25th St. corridor


We offer our support with the following qualifications:

·         Some members of the community expressed concern over the following issues: Unlike many of the other similar businesses operating in the area, this property is right on the corner of a residential area; the presence of piles of tires was deemed by some as unsightly and concerns over an increase in pests were brought up. The business operator has promised to work with his neighbors to address these and other issues which may come up.


·         Another point of concern was that if the property, which currently operates as a tire repair shop, were granted the variance that the owner/operator would be free to expand the services it currently provides, which may not be ideal given the dimensions of the property and its proximity to a residential area. The applicant, through his attorney, has provided a letter attesting to his commitment not to expand the services provided on the property in the future. (This letter has been provided with this letter.)

·         Our organization gives our support under the assumption that the business operator and/or property owner will adhere to all relevant Federal, state and local business and environmental regulations.


If you require any further information from our organization, please feel free to contact us.





Peter Curran

West Passyunk Neighbors Association




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